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We are constantly working to improve our quality standards, and we’re very proud of the awards that we have received from various institutions for our work. We’ve put together a summary of them for you below:

The Müritzeum has been certified in line with the nationwide criteria for the national Travel for All label (Reisen für Alle). With this certification, the Müritzeum was again awarded the title Tested for Accessibility (Barrierefreiheit geprüft) in 2020.  The certification is reviewed every three years and is conducted by the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Tourist Association. You can find more information and the review report here (in German).

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern steht für atemberaubende Natur und für die Ruhe, die man dort findet. Doch ob beim Wandern durch die drei Nationalparke des Landes, beim Bestaunen der Kreidefelsen auf der Insel Rügen oder einfach nur beim Angeln – unweigerlich kommen Fragen auf: Wie heißt noch einmal der Fisch mit den grünen Gräten? Wie sind die Kreidefelsen entstanden oder was genau macht die Buchenwälder im Nationalpark Jasmund und im Müritz-Nationalpark so besonders, dass sie als Unesco-Weltnaturerbe gehandelt werden? Hier kommen die Naturerlebniszentren des Urlaubslandes ins Spiel, die Besonderheiten der Natur zu erklären und zu zeigen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier

As part of the family holiday quality management assessment conducted by the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Tourist Association (TMV), the Müritzeum received an award again. We are permitted to continue to display the Tested Quality for Family Holidays in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania quality seal (Geprüfte Qualität Familienurlaub Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). Certified holiday offerings for families are permitted to use the emblem with a crowned Gustav. The crown worn by the exceedingly friendly fish represents quality, distinction and value, while his smile symbolises satisfaction and friendliness. The little fish king also underscores that there are more lakes to see in Germany’s number one waterland than anywhere else in the country.

The accompanying text for the KIDS und Co award reads: “Seeing the world through the eyes of a child, experiencing it with fun and joy while also being a reliable partner for their parents – this is what the family magazine KIDS und Co wants to achieve: [...] We are therefore delighted to know that you are a reliable partner at our side and would like to express our warmest thanks. We are awarding you our KIDS und Co - Recommended quality seal. With it, we recognise you as our partner that has convinced us with your offerings for families and children. We congratulate you on receiving this award and look forward to continuing to collaborate with you. [...]”

The Bat-Friendly Buildings initiative (Fledermausfreundliches Haus) seeks to raise awareness of the threats to bats’ habitats. With its quality seal, it recognises institutions that are committed to bat conservation and are especially active in this field. The aim behind the initiative is to create incentives for as many institutions as possible to get involved in bat conservation. Modern forms of construction pose a threat to the living spaces of the nocturnal mammals, which can be best observed on balmy summer nights. The Central Mecklenburg Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) and the NABU State Committee for Bat Conservation in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (volunteer bat conservation workers) have awarded the quality seal to the Müritzeum.

In 2008, the Müritzeum received the title Selected Landmark from Jürgen Seidel (former minister for economic affairs of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania) and Joachim Frommer (director of Deutsche Bank Neubrandenburg) in the nationwide innovation competition 365 Landmarks in the Land of Ideas. A total of 1,500 landmarks were entered in the competition, which is organised by the Germany – Land of Ideas initiative and Deutsche Bank. Former Federal President Horst Köhler acted as the patron for the competition, which symbolises Germany’s ability to master future challenges.

Kindermuseen machen ihre Besucher zu Akteuren, zu Mitspielern, die Fragen stellen und selbst nach Lösungen suchen. Sie sind lebendige Kulturorte, die das Lernen zum Spiel machen. Gerade in der gegenwärtigen Bildungsdiskussion bieten Kinder- und Jugendmuseen die immer wichtiger werdende Vermittlung von Basics, von Allgemeinwissen, von Kunst und Kultur auf dem Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft des 21.Jahrhunderts. Sie liefern Impulse für neues, unkonventionelles Denken, ungewöhnliche Fragen und Antworten. Kreativität braucht Wissen, Ideen und immer neue Anregungen.

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©Mirko Runge/Müritzeum


Tauchen Sie ein in die spannende Natur der Mecklenburgischen Seenplatte mit ihren vielen Schätzen und Besonderheiten.

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