About Us

Fundings Providers, Partners & Memberships

Funding Providers, Partners & Memberships


We would like to say a big thank you to our cooperation partners and funding providers for their support for our work and towards reaching our goals in nature conservation and environmental protection. We would also like to express our special gratitude to our funding providers (and donors) who are not named here. 

Blau-Weisse-Flotte Waren

Deutsche Bahn - Klasse unterwegs

Ehrenamtskarte MV

Förderverein Müritz-Nationalpark

Imkerverein Waren (Müritz) e.V.


Lions Club Müritz

Karls Erlebnis-Dorf

Landesförderinstitut Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Müritz Sparkasse


Die Müritzfischer

UNESCO-Geopark Mecklenburgische Eiszeitlandschaft

Weisse Flotte Müritz

Wir sind Müritzer

Being a member of various associations and federations is a constant source of crucial impetus for us. Whether it’s a question of achieving shared objectives or supporting each other in hard times, we are aware that we can move forwards only by acting together.

Deutscher Museumsbund e.V.

Deutscher Museumsbund e.V.

Landeszooverband MV

Museumsverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.

Museumsverbund der Nord- und Ostsee Region (NORe) e.V.

Müritz-Nationalpark Partner

Netzwerk Naturerlebniszentren – SO TICKT NATUR!

You Too Can Support Our Goals

With your donation, you help us to realise these goals for the common good. Child and youth work is especially dear to our hearts.

Donation receipts can naturally be issued for tax purposes. Simply provide us with your contact details – we’re happy to take care of all the necessary formalities for you.

Donations account:
bank code: 150 501 00
IBAN: DE48 1505 0100 0642 9999 96


Foto: Mirko Runge/Müritzeum


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